David Alaniz Photography

Natures turn…….

Monthly Archives: July 2014

Praying Mantis

Taken this morning at Brazos Bend State Park. This little guy was about 2″ long and blended in real good. I was bent over looking at something else when I must have made him nervous and saw the movement. If he hadn’t moved I most likely wouldn’t have seen this photo op.
Nikon D800, 105mm, f/5.6, 1/60 flash, Ev +0.67, ISO 200


Crape Myrtle

I wanted to take a picture of something small, unusual or different from my wildlife photos.  It was hot and in the early afternoon so I found some shade under a large crape myrtle.  I felt a nice gentle breeze to cool my thoughts as I leaned against the tree.  As I scanned the area for ideas a low hanging branch with blooms got my attention.  The more I looked the more I like the idea of getting an inside view of the bloom.  Sometimes you don’t choose the subject, it chooses you.

Nikon D4, Nikon 105mm, f/8, 1/1000’s, ISO 2000


Brutus and Gang

Watching the Swallow-Tailed Kites can be mesmerizing as they float what seemed effortlessly.  The first picture is one I named Brutus.  He seemed to be larger and more bulkier than the rest.  He also did a little chasing of the others if he got close.

Once they started gathering they kept coming giving many photo ops.  Hand holding the lens at the beginning wasn’t bad.  However, by the end, I was wishing for a tripod or monopod for help in that department.

Nikon D800, 500mm, 1/2500’s, f/5.6. -0.33 Ev, ISO 200


Nikon D800, 500mm, 1/2000’s, f/5.6, -0.33, ISO 200


Nikon 800, 500mm, 1/2500’s, -0.33 Ev, ISO 200  (Note the little black “dot” upper left corner – flying insect)


Swallow-Tailed Kite

I like reading and viewing pictures on Facebook’s Birds of Texas forum.  It’s always interesting to see what others are seeing through out the state.  I learned that there were several Swallow-Tailed Kite’s taking up residence in Dayton, Texas.  Had I not seen this I would never had known and missed out on a pretty neat photo opportunity.  Now I need to head back out in the morning and take some more in flight shots.

Nikon D4, 500mm, f/4.5, 1/1250’s, ISO 200


Deer Flower

Sitting on the porch listening to the birds is relaxing.  It wasn’t long before relaxing turned to some excitement.  A fawn was struggling to run across the pasture.  It couldn’t have been too old since it’s legs were stiff and wobbly.  It was running as fast as it could seeking safety in the thick woods.  I figured out what had spooked the fawn to run.  There was a dog sniffing around the area it had been bedding down as it waited on its mother to return.

I knew the mother would return so I slowly positioned myself hoping she would come my way looking for her fawn.  Sure enough the mother returned only to find her fawn gone.  As I watched her slowly move about looking and listening a dog appeared.  She stomped the ground and chased the dog into an area I couldn’t see.  After what seemed about 30 minutes I thought she may have left in that direction to continued her search.

Looking around I noticed the flowers and thought since I was already there and feeling the mother wouldn’t come my way, I started snapping a few photos.  Well, I wasn’t paying attention as she did head my way.  Being close she must have heard my shutter and saw me.  I heard her snort and it was loud because she was verrry close.  She bolted towards the tree line and into the woods snorting the entire way.  As loud as it was I’m sure her fawn could hear the call and I could envision them reuniting.

That’s why this photo is all about a deer and her fawn.

Nikon D4, 500mm, 1/1000’s, f/4.0, – 1.33 Ev, ISO 200
