David Alaniz Photography

Natures turn…….

Monthly Archives: December 2014

Early Morning Blurs

I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to capture some early morning blurs as the light was change quickly.  It may not always work but there is no excuse for not trying.

Nikon D4, 500mm + 1.7tc, 1/5’s, ISO 2000


Nikon D4, 500mm + 1.7tc, 1/4’s, ISO 2000


Snow Geese Couple

Arrived about 45 minutes before sunrise at Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge. Looking for Snow Geese and Snow Geese I found, thousands. Cold and crisp, what a beautiful morning. Saw several lifts as they filled the sky. Hard to hold a camera because I wanted to see it happen. Just wanted to hear the sound and feel the roar. Something so few will ever experience. Nature at it’s best.

Nikon D4, 500mm + 1.7tc, f/6.7, 1/800, ISO 2000



Merry Christmas & Happy New Year


Eagle – Flushed

Made a recent trip to see the Pearland, Texas eagles. I believe the female was sitting on eggs. She made no attempt to get up Until…. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) recommends that active nest sites not be approached beyond a distance of 330 feet. There are posted signs not to be crossed. Well, a guy was walking his dog (unleashed) along the fence line in the direction of the nest. I could tell the eagle was concerned as she gave full focus in that direction. The dog was almost to the nest when the owner called the dog to return and walk back. It was too close and too late. The eagle flushed. It made a wide circle as it came back to the nest.
Nikon D4, 500mm + 1.7tc, f/6.7, 1/1000, ISO 250

